Ready for Christmas

I’ve not posted for a while because I was fighting a chest infection and any spare time I have had has been used for making handmade Amigurumi Neep and his friends and relations. I finished the last one last night! I’ve put so much time and love into them I really hope my nephew loves them as much as he loves the programme.

I thought I had finished all my Christmas shopping on Friday but I bought another couple today so once I wrap those tomorrow that will be it. All done! Everything ready for the big day. The day that is probably one of the most stressful days of the whole year. Is it just me that feels that way? It’s one big familial logistical puzzle all geared around one meal…or two in our case. My mum makes what I believe to be the best Christmas dinner ever. Not only does she make the best dinner, she also makes extra to ensure we have enough leftover to make the most amazing dinner of the entire calendar…Boxing a Day dinner, consisting of home made chips and the most delicious bubble and squeak!! She works tirelessly to make these two days so special and every single year, bar none, she succeeds. I am in awe of her at this time of year more than any other, because even though she says she hates Christmas, she does her best to make sure everyone around her loves it!

I get through my days swimmingly

I decided to write about one of my typical days living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It is one of those conditions that people don’t see and as a consequence often don’t understand.

I wasn’t diagnosed with EDS until 6 years ago when, whilst teaching, I caught a child who was falling from a climbing frame. Although I didn’t realise it at that moment, that incident would define the rest of my life. I had test after test, treatment after treatment and pain relief that ranged from tablets to injections, but nothing stopped the pain either then, or since. All that can be done now is ‘manage’ the pain…but I personally would not say it is ‘managed’, I think tolerated is a more fitting word. Each and every moment of every single day feels like someone is ramming their concrete booted foot hard into my coccyx. I cannot focus on that though, I have to try and distract myself from it and try to find things that if they don’t help in some way with my pain, they do at least let me focus on something else.

Swimming helps me do that.

Today, I went swimming. I swam a mile. I’m very proud of myself.

Most people would regard swimming a mile as a real accomplishment…for me it is much mor than that. It is more of a necessity. You see, my body hurts. My bones, my muscles, my ligaments, my stomach, hurts. It doesn’t hurt because I go swimming, it hurts because I am me. I wake up in a morning and the very first thing I am aware of is pain. I take pain relief every day (including a morphine patch), but it only numbs it a little, it never goes away. So why do I then go and swim a mile? I do that because it allows me to move. If I don’t swim, I can’t move properly. I’m lucky that I live close to a health club that has a lovely pool and an even lovelier jacuzzi!

In the water, I don’t hurt quite as much…and in the jacuzzi afterwards I even get some albeit very brief, pain free time. When I am swimming, I have to walk in the water in order to click all my joints back in line to help reduce subluxations. Recently however, whilst doing just that, I slipped and jarred my back. I was forced to rest up until I could move again enough to be able to put my swimsuit on. I didn’t tell, people that was why I couldn’t swim. I made excuses. After all, who would have believed that that was my reason for not going? After a week or so, I was finally able to put my swimsuit back on and since then, I have been determined to build my swimming back up again and yesterday I finally managed it. I swam a mile in 52 minutes. Not bad hey?!

I helped look after my nephew afterwards (with my mum and daughter) so didn’t get chance to apply heat to my back until much later on in the day. Once laid on my heat pad, I was able to complete another one of Neep’s relations, Veep (see previous post).

I appreciate that parts of this post sound negative, but as a whole it is definitely not. Today, I swam a mile; I relaxed in a jacuzzi; I spent time with my family; I drank hot chocolate snuggled up in pjs with my children; and I made a child’s toy! A pretty damn good, productive day!!


The last few days I have been crocheting in an evening. I absolutely love Amigurumi and am currently working on Neep and his family from Abney and Teal, for my nephew

For those unfamiliar with Abney and Teal, (I knew nothing of it myself until about 2 months ago) it’s a lovely, albeit slightly surreal, pre-school tv programme. Unlike most other children’s tv, this one is all very natural colours and was inspired by Victoria Park, London. My nephew, who is two and a half, watched the episodes on a recent flight to Portugal and back and now knows every episode word for word even down to which episode is coming next!

The programme centres around Abney, who lives at the bottom of a tree and Teal who sleeps in the branches. They have several friends:

  • Neep, a small burrowing creature like a turnip.
  • Bop, an aquatic mammal somewhat resembling a furry male elephant sealwho drinks ‘tea’ (actually water from the lake) and blows bubbles.
  • The Poc-Pocs, a set of 7 identical-shaped but different-sized comma-shaped wooden objects or hard tropical tree seeds, so named after the noise they make jumping about.
  • Toby Dog, a melodeon-playing dog who always sits upright on the same place on the lake’s mainland shore. He normally plays the same tune, which the narrator describes as several sorts of music. There are rare occasions where Toby Dog will play a variation of his tune, notably the lullaby on the episode Bop’s babies.

You’d be forgiven for thinking it sounds bizarre, but it really is a lovely programme with really calming colours and noises. Give it a go and you’ll see what I mean.

Anyway, here is my first creation…Neep